Latest Past Events

Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Africa Development

Sawa Hotel Douala

The aim of the conference is to provide an intellectual platform for academics, industry professionals, and decision makers to actively interact and share their background, knowledge in order to foster the development of the African continent by integrating innovation into relief and development programs. The Innovation increases the quality of the service of the related […]

8th EAI International Conference on e‐Infrastructure and e‐Services for Developing Countries


Deploying efficient and effective infrastructures and solutions when limited resources are available is a challenging task and a key-enabler for the diffusion of ICT in developing countries. The aim of this conference is bringing together international researchers, students, public officers, policy makers and practitioners in ICT to discuss issues and trends, recent research, innovation advances […]

5th International Conference on M4D

University Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) Maputo

Welcome to the 5th International Conference on Mobile Communication Technology for Development. This conference series welcomes researchers, practitioners and all those with interests in the use, evaluation, and theorizing of Mobile Communication technologies for Development. Past M4D conferences have combined two days of plenary parallel paper sessions, panel sessions, short presentations, posters and workshops. M4D2016 […]