Guest post by Tian Lin [1] and Khin Thiri Htun [2] Summary: We conducted research using a participatory approach to identify ways to reduce local vulnerability to climate change in […]
By Katherine Laycock, OCSDNet Research Affiliate and PhD candidate at the University of Waterloo, School of Planning As we continue to see the palpable effects of climate change through increasing temperatures, […]
By: Hector Botero, Karisma Foundation Translated by: Denisse Albornoz The case Biofertilizers and Biofuels of ‘My Land’, Colombia Summary: The project ‘Biofertilizers and Biofuels of My Land ’ uses a combination […]
Por: Jorge E. Orejuela-Gartner, Grupo de Estudios Ambientales para el Desarrollo Sostenible-GEADES; Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Cali, Colombia. Resumen: La Ciencia Abierta respalda a las comunidades indígenas en sus aspiraciones para […]
By: Jorge E. Orejuela-Gartner Group Environmental Studies for Sustainable Development-GEADES Universidad Autonoma de Occidente, Cali, Colombia Summary: Open Science can support traditional communities in their aspiration to attain Buen Vivir […]
My Journey as OpenCon Organizer in Nairobi: Advocating for Open Access, Open Data and Open Education
Guest blog post by Lillian Juma Open Access is a movement and for a movement’s impact to be felt, solidarity amongst individuals and institutions is crucial. Let our voices be […]