FILE | August 5, 2016

July 2015: Workshop Proceedings | Primer encuentro del proyecto: CIENCIA ABIERTA Y COLABORATIVA PARA EL DESARROLLO -Adaptación al cambio climático

DOWNLOAD HERE: Memoria Taller


VIDEO: Clinical Assessments at Sanitary Camp

FILE | July 26, 2016

The third day of the Sanitary Camp was devoted to conduct clinical assessments of children at the primary schools of Villa Ana. In the video, a group of Medical Students are working on this in a big classroom that was set as “consulting room”. They are evaluating the children physically, and asking them questions about their health habits and conditions. They follow a paper-based questionnaire, and record the information by hand in the form. Later that night they transcribed all the information in a digital “excel” data-base in order to process the data. The last day of the Sanitary Camp they presented the main results orally (with a Power Point) to the community. Some weeks after, they send a written general report with the results to the municipal and health authorities; as well as a personal confidential report about each children’s assessment to their parents.


VIDEO: Presentation of epidemiological survey and clinical assessment results

FILE | July 26, 2016

The fifth day of the Sanitary Camp the results of the epidemiological survey and clinical assessment of children were presented to the community and health authorities on a stage in the park. Before the presentation of the results the municipal authorities wanted to organize a celebration for the Children’s Day, as a way of promoting the interaction between the community and the group of students and professors from the National University of Rosario. The Medicine students then organized different playful activities and also served food to the neighbors. In the video a group of students are playing with some of the children.


NEWS ARTICLE: Colloque international sur la science ouverte en Haïti

FILE | July 21, 2016

Les jeudi 3 et vendredi 4 mars 2016 s’est déroulé en Haïti, le Colloque international sur la science ouverte sur le thème : La science ouverte et le libre accès aux ressources scientifiques. Ce colloque qui a reçu le soutien du Bureau Caraïbe de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, est organisé conjointement par Le Laboratoire LAngages, DIscours et REPrésentations (LADIREP) de l’Université d’État d’Haïti, le Collectif des Universitaires Citoyens CUCI (Haïti), l’Association Science et Bien Commun, Les Classiques des Sciences Sociales (Québec, Canada) et l’Institut Universitaire de Formation de Cadres (INUFOCAD).


NEWS ARTICLE: Colloque Ouvrir la science pour mieux la partager, du Nord au Sud de la Francophonie

FILE | July 21, 2016


La science contemporaine aspire à l’universalité, mais, d’une part, les données scientométriques montrent plutôt une science concentrée dans les universités des pays anglo-saxons et, d’autre part, de nombreuses publications scientifiques restent inaccessibles aux chercheurs des pays du Sud et aux citoyens non chercheurs du monde entier. Peut-on ouvrir la science pour mieux la partager et la rendre véritablement universelle? Ce questionnement est au coeur de ce qu’on appelle le mouvement de la science ouverte, qui se propose comme cadre normatif alternatif à celui de la science conventionnelle. Ce colloque réunit des chercheurs du Nord et du Sud de la Francophonie qui partageront leurs réflexions sur ce que pourrait être cette science ouverte, inclusive, aspirant à un véritable universalisme.


PAPER: Opening and control in governmentality algorithmic

FILE | July 21, 2016

This article appears as unfolding of a presentation made at the Seminar Information and Internet, organized by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) in Brasilia, August 2015. With the title “Opening and Control”, the debate also included the participation of researchers Sarita Albagli and Sergio Amadeu.

The proposed topic (Opening and Control) allows you to address some issues that are on two projects that interface’m driving right now: Open Science and Local Development (1); Technopolitical and Knowledge Set. This article is also an offshoot of the propositions presented in a small essay “Privacy as a common good” (2) and reflections caused by recent reading of two texts: an article by Antoinette Rouvroy (3) and a test Amador Fernández-Savater (4 ).



BLOG: People Food and Nature – Learning from the Forests

FILE | July 20, 2016

This post provides some insights on a recent Model Forest event, reporting on experiences of its application across Latin America and the Caribbean and how Model Forests, as a landscape approach, advance sustainable development.

Blog post on the LPFN initiative, Ecoagriculture partners:



FILE | July 20, 2016

Interview with OVTT:


PAPER: Submitted and Presented at FAO’s World Forestry Congress 2015

FILE | July 19, 2016

Paper submitted and oral presentation at FAO’s World Forestry Congress (2015).


Los Bosques Modelo son plataformas sociales intersectoriales de gestión territorial que se desarrollan en territorios extensos con una amplia diversidad de usos y valores de la tierra en donde el ecosistema forestal juega un papel importante. En el mundo existen más de 70 Bosques Modelo adscritos a la Red Internacional de Bosques Modelo en la que se agrupan en redes regionales (Red Africana, Asiática, Mediterránea, Europa del Norte, Canadiense e Iberoamericana), siendo la Red Iberoamericana la más robusta pues aglutina 30 territorios en 15 países abarcando más de 32 millones de hectáreas. En los Bosques Modelo se han realizado una serie de acciones que están contribuyendo a fortalecer la capacidad adaptativa de las comunidades que habitan estos territorios, y por lo tanto, a reducir su vulnerabilidad al cambio climático. El estudio hace una síntesis muy escueta de las principales acciones que se vienen implementando utilizando el enfoque metodológico del marco de los “capitales de la comunidad” que considera los capitales natural, cultural, humano, social, político, financiero y físico-construido. El trabajo se realizó teniendo como base los reportes de anuario de los diferentes Bosques Modelo así como y visitas de campo. El documento resalta especialmente la contribución del concepto del Bosque Modelo y de su filosofía a la construcción de capital social y político en las comunidades, pudiendo este tener un efecto de “espiral ascendente” para la mejora de los demás capitales.

Keywords: [Bosque Modelo, adaptación al cambio climático, capitales de la comunidad]




FILE | July 19, 2016

We have set up the open library/repository for publications within the field of Science, Technology and Society. The library aims to share, invite other to contribute and make readily available all the Latin American publications and papers related to the field of STS studies (including drafts, pre-prints and such) whenever possible.

Available at:


WORKING PAPER: The Binding Nature of the 2015 Paris Agreement & Outcomes for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

PDF | July 19, 2016


This paper will briefly assess the scope of the Paris Agreement outcomes under a legal perspective, with a particular focus on its innovations for indigenous people and local communities. In order to evaluate this issue, the most relevant outcomes of the Agreement will be preliminarily summarized, specifically distinguishing provisions which have a binding nature from those which just encourage parties to commit themselves or even represent hortatory or aspirational statements.1 To this aim, on the one hand, the wording of the provisions will be taken in consideration – and in particular, the distinction between “shall” and “should”, which in the UN language separates pure duties from mere encouragements. On the other hand, the overall “justiciability” of provisions will be evaluated, i.e. the existence of a sufficiently determined content so as to be able to assert if a Party is complying with it or not.

In the light of this analysis, the reflections of the Agreement on indigenous peoples and local communities will be highlighted.

PAPER AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD HERE: NJ_2016_Binding Nature_Paris Agreement & IPs



FILE | May 3, 2016


By: Carolina Comandulli, Michalis Vitos, Gillian Conquest, Julia Altenbuchner, Matthias Stevens, Jerome Lewis, Muki Haklay

Download full paper at:



A conservação da biodiversidade é uma questão que tem preocupado o mundo todo. Nas últimas décadas, centenas de áreas protegidas foram criadas para assegurar a preservação da biodiversidade no planeta. Um grande número de áreas protegidas é habitado por comunidades que dependem do uso de seus recursos naturais não apenas para a sua sobrevivência, mas também para a sua reprodução social e cultural. Em muitos casos, as populações locais têm sido diretamente responsáveis pela gestão sustentável desses complexos ecossistemas por séculos. Iniciativas de Ciência Cidadã – entendida como a participação de amadores, voluntários e entusiastas em projetos científicos – têm envolvido o público na produção científica e em projetos de monitoramento da biodiversidade, mas têm limitado essa participação à coleta de dados, e têm normalmente ocorrido em locais afluentes, excluindo as populações não alfabetizadas ou letradas e que vivem em áreas remotas. Povos e comunidades tradicionais conhecem os aspectos ambientais das áreas por eles habitadas, o que pode ser benéfico para a gestão e o monitoramento bem-sucedidos da biodiversidade. Portanto, ao se tratar do monitoramento e da proteção da biodiversidade em áreas habitadas por populações humanas, o seu envolvimento é central e pode conduzir a um cenário onde todas as partes envolvidas se beneficiam. Extreme Citizen Science (ExCiteS) é um grupo de pesquisa interdisciplinar criado em 2011, na University College London, com a finalidade de avançar o atual conjunto de práticas da Ciência Cidadã. A ideia é permitir que qualquer comunidade, em qualquer lugar do mundo – desde grupos marginalizados que vivem nas periferias de áreas urbanas até grupos de caçadores e coletores da floresta amazônica –, comece um projeto de Ciência Cidadã para lidar com suas próprias questões. Este artigo apresenta os diversos aspectos que tornam a Ciência Cidadã “extrema” no trabalho do grupo ExCiteS, por meio da exposição de suas teorias, métodos e ferramentas, e dos estudos de caso atuais que envolvem comunidades tradicionais ao redor do mundo. Por fim, ressalta-se a maior preocupação do grupo, que é tornar a participação verdadeiramente efetiva, e sugere-se como iniciativas de monitoramento da biodiversidade podem ser realizadas de maneira colaborativa, trazendo benefícios a todos os atores envolvidos.

English Translation
By: Carolina Comandulli, Michalis Vitos, Gillian Conquest, Julia Altenbuchner, Matthias Stevens, Jerome Lewis, Muki Haklay


The conservation of biodiversity is an issue that has concerned the whole world. In recent decades, hundreds of protected areas have been created to ensure the preservation of biodiversity on the planet. A large number of protected areas is inhabited by communities that depend on the use of its natural resources not only for survival but also for their social and cultural reproduction. In many cases, local people have been directly responsible for the sustainable management of these complex ecosystems for centuries. Initiatives Citizen Science – understood as the participation of amateurs, volunteers and enthusiasts in scientific projects – have involved the public in scientific production and biodiversity monitoring projects, but have limited their participation to the collection of data, and have usually occurred in places tributaries, excluding the populations illiterate or literate and living in remote areas. traditional peoples and communities understand the environmental aspects of the areas inhabited by them, which may be beneficial for the management and successful monitoring of biodiversity.Therefore, when dealing with monitoring and protecting biodiversity in areas inhabited by human populations, their involvement is central and can lead to a scenario where all parties benefit. Extreme Citizen Science (excites) is an interdisciplinary research group created in 2011, at University College London, in order to advance the current set of Citizen Science practices. The idea is to allow any community, anywhere in the world – from marginalized groups living on the peripheries of urban areas by groups of hunters and gatherers of the Amazon rainforest – get a Citizen Science project to deal with their own issues. This article presents the various aspects that make Citizen Science “extreme” at work excites group through the exposition of his theories, methods and tools, and current case studies involving traditional communities around the world. Finally, it highlights the main concern of the group, which is to make truly effective participation, and it is suggested as biodiversity monitoring initiatives can be undertaken collaboratively, bringing benefits to all stakeholders.