- Why are you interested in supporting OCSDNet?
I think that when we talk about open and collaborative science for development it’s really a very important movement. More than ever, scientific communities have to work together in order to address the development challenges that are beyond their own borders. There are regional, there are even global challenges. And if you can use the most open kind of science production, the better we can really bring solutions to development challenges.
I also believe that open and collaborative science is also a way of promoting more young researchers. That’s how young people work, that’s how they are educated nowadays. They have their own networks. It is a way also to really produce knowledge jointly that is probably very relevant for the younger generation of researchers. So again, I think it could be a very important network and one that really we need to have, so I’m very happy to be part of this initiative.
- What skills, insights and experiences do you bring to this initiative?
I have worked a lot on public policies; in ICT-related policies and also in science-related policies, and also development policies. So, I think I can bring quite a good knowledge base on these kinds of public policies that of course will be relevant once our network can function.
One of the areas this network focuses on is Africa. I am a Mozambican citizen. I know Africa very well. I have quite a few networks there, and I think I can also bring an understanding of the challenges that the continent is facing, as well as the networks of researchers and of policymakers that can be part of this and that can benefit from a program like this one.
Also by being in UNESCO. UNESCO’s work is to promote these kinds of initiatives, to make sure that scientific production is really promoted and taking place. We have UNESCO’s network too, and I think that’s also something that I can bring to the table. But, I am also interested in trying to reflect jointly with others as to how can we promote an initiative like this.
- How do you think that your own work will benefit from being involved with OCSDNet?
One of the areas that UNESCO is very interested in is how to promote the production of scientific knowledge everywhere in the world, and in particular in the South, and in South-South cooperation. Guaranteeing that there is scientific capacity everywhere in the world is part of the mandate and one of the objectives of UNESCO. So by being part of this initiative I think I will learn a lot: how open and collaborative science can not only bring more answers to some of the development challenges we are facing, but also how it will create scientific capacity. And those are things that definitely I will learn a lot from. And that will have a direct impact in what we do here at UNESCO.
It will be interesting too -particularly because now I’m in the Latin American region- I might see a program like this in the future for the Latin American region and the Caribbean, where UNESCO could also become a partner. So, I’m looking forward to this experience.
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